PHDCCI Pitches For Compulsory Suspension of Bank Drawls in ‘Cheque Bouncing Cases’
Industry body PHDCCI has urged the Finance Ministry to take measures like compulsory suspension of bank drawls for a few days to make the cheque issuers accountable for their action in cheque-bouncing cases. The government should enact a law that from
Industry body PHDCCI has urged the Finance Ministry to take measures like compulsory suspension of bank drawls for a few days to make the cheque issuers accountable for their action in cheque-bouncing cases. The government should enact a law that fromIndustry body PHDCCI has urged the Finance Ministry to take measures like compulsory suspension of bank drawls for a few days to make the cheque issuers accountable for their action in cheque-bouncing cases. The government should enact a law that from