Workshop on ‘Cyber Security Awareness’ and ‘Development & implementation of Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP)’ at AICTE HQrs.

Workshop on ‘Cyber Security Awareness’ and ‘Development & implementation of Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP)’ at AICTE HQrs.New Delhi, January 16, 2023: A session on ‘Cyber Security Awareness’followed by a session on ‘Development & implementation of Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP)’ were organized for AICTE officerson13 January 2023by e-Governance Cell, AICTE at AICTEHQrs. at Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The resource persons were Mr. Shashank Gupta, Scientist, and Mr. Sabyasachi Jena, a Senior Consultant at CERT-In which is a national nodal agency of the Government of India to counter cyber threats. The sessions were attended by the senior officers and IT professionals of AICTE.  It was one of the initiatives of e-Governance Cell at AICTE which has been organizing such training workshops and seminars in its bid to create, enhance and maintain a robust cyber security ecosystem not only at AICTE but also at the Institutions regulated by it and for their faculty, students and staff too.

In its presidential address, Prof.T. G.Sitharam, Chairman, AICTE appreciating the efforts of the e-Governance Cell, AICTE underscored the need to prioritize the actions to be undertaken in next 30 days to ensure more robust cyber secured mechanism such as inclusion of all the devices on Active Directory, etc. He also emphasized that all sort of essential cyber security measures and tools would be made available and put to use at AICTE. Prof M. P Poonia, Vice Chairman, AICTE shared real life experiences and provided the much desired directions and vision with respect to what need to be done to ensure adequate preventive and proactive cyber security ecosystem. He laid emphasis on the need to organize more such events in the future in collaboration with institutions such as CERT-In. Prof. Rajive Kumar, Member Secretary, AICTE emphasized that more concerted and collaborative efforts are needed in view of the increasing number of incidents to counter cyber attackesin India in particular.

The sessions were compered by Dr. Nikhil Kant, Deputy Director, e-Governance Cell, AICTE. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. R K Soni, Adviser II,e-Governancewhereas the Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr. Manoj Singh, CISO & Assistant Director, AICTE.

Experts from CERT-In and the senior officers of AICTE discussed and deliberated on different types and attacks related to cyber security and also on the preventive and end-of-pipe solutionsand responses, also highlighting the DOs and DONTs. They also had an insightful discussion on possible collaboration on exploring the possibilities to conduct Cyber Security Exercises and Drills for the entire sector involving foreign experts under G20 Indian presidency.

Mansi Praharaj