How Anne Fontaine’s Fur-Free Decision Marks a New Era for the Brand

2 min read

Paris, France, September 14, 2024 –Official Statement from Anne Fontaine

In light of the recent acts perpetrated against our stores and employees by anti-fur protestors, Anne Fontaine wishes to address the situation with transparency and honesty. We understand and appreciate passionate stances on environmental and ethical issues; however, the method of conveying these concerns through terrorizing tactics is both unwarranted and detrimental. Our employees have faced undue stress and fear, stemming not from a corporate policy of negligence or cruelty, but from a misunderstanding and miscommunication of our practices concerning fur in our collections. We regret that instead of seeking dialogue, some individuals chose a path of confrontation, impacting innocent people and diverting attention from constructive conversation. To clarify, Anne Fontaine does incorporate fur in some of its collections, but with an approach we believe is considerate and ethical. The fur we utilize is exclusively sourced from animals consumed for food; we categorically do not engage with fur farms. This practice is rooted in our commitment to sustainable and ethical fashion, taking a stance against both animal cruelty and environmental harm. Our decision to incorporate minimal fur, sourced from renewable resources, is driven by a commitment to reducing the environmental harm associated with synthetic alternatives. Furthermore, we use fur sparingly, primarily in a few styles and mostly for details such as collars or pockets. The production of faux fur significantly contributes to ocean pollution with microplastics, which poses further risks to marine life and sustainable food resources. However, in response to the recent events and after a period of reflection, we have decided to cease the inclusion of fur in any future Anne Fontaine collections. This decision underscores our commitment to the welfare of our employees, the environment, and all our stakeholders. The fur items currently available represent the last of their kind under our brand. Anne Fontaine is deeply committed to maintaining open and respectful dialogue on all matters of ethical, environmental, and social importance. We believe that understanding and collaboration, particularly among organizations and informed individuals, are far more effective and beneficial than conflict. By encouraging discussions within and between organizations, we aim to prevent misinformation and foster positive outcomes. We stand ready to listen, and share information, emphasizing that real change comes from cooperation and a shared vision for a better world. Let us unite in our efforts for positive social and environmental impact, fostering a community that thrives on mutual respect and understanding.


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