WellSpan Selects Tendo’s Care Connect Platform to Power Employer Healthcare Offerings

[Philadelphia, PA, August 6th, 2024]—Tendo is announcing today that WellSpan has selected Tendo’s Care Connect platform to bring affordably priced, bundled healthcare offerings to its employers through WellSpan’s Well at Work Bundle Program. Care Connect will provide WellSpan’s employer customer base with predictable, all-inclusive pricing so they can offer employees affordable, high-quality care through the Well at Work Bundle Program.

With 47% of patients struggling to pay out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, employers face challenges managing high healthcare costs, impacting their budgets and employees’ well-being (Source: Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs, KFF, 2024). Tendo’s Care Connect platform enables self-insured employers and care coordinators to effectively plan and manage healthcare costs by easily purchasing transparently priced, bundled procedures. By utilizing Care Connect, the Well at Work Bundle Program seamlessly offers employers and their employees exclusive access to WellSpan’s high-quality healthcare services for orthopedic, spine, pain management, and diagnostic imaging.

“We are thrilled to partner with Tendo and utilize their innovative Care Connect platform,” said Roxanna Gapstur, PhD, RN, CEO of WellSpan Well at Work. “This enables us to easily direct our Well at Work patients to quality, bundled care options and help employees navigate the complexities of healthcare with ease.”

For employers, the Well at Work Bundle Program offers the ability to plan and manage healthcare expenses accurately, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention through high-value healthcare benefits. Employers can provide their employees with access to WellSpan’s top-notch healthcare services, improving overall workplace wellness. The program encourages timely medical treatments, minimizes deferred care, and empowers employees with upfront pricing, enabling better financial planning. WellSpan offers dedicated care navigators to guide patients through every step, from selecting physicians to scheduling care and addressing any questions.

“Tendo is excited to work with WellSpan and amplify their Well at Work Bundle Program by bringing intuitive and innovative technology to the forefront of employee healthcare,” said Charlie Byrge, SVP Tendo Marketplaces. “Our Care Connect platform is designed to simplify the healthcare process, making it easier for employers to manage costs and for employees to access the care they need.”

Neel Achary