Top Democrats say Donald Trump “creates and curates chaos”; Kamala Harris “brings joy”

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US presidential elections 2024 rivals Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
US presidential elections 2024 rivals Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Screenshot courtesy: Instagram/realdonaldtrump; kamalaharris

Top Democratic leaders have hammered Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for being an agent of chaos and that his failed policies would take America backwards. In contrast, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris brought joy to American people, they said.

Democrats used their national convention in Chicago yesterday to cast the former president as an existential danger and project present Vice-President Kamala Harris as the best person to lead the nation.

Harris, 59, will take on former president Trump, 78, in the November 5 election.

Former US president Bill Clinton in his address to the Democratic National Convention said that Trump — a paragon of consistency — was dividing, blaming, and belittling.

“[Donald Trump] creates and curates chaos. It’s showmanship, but it’s not leadership,” said Clinton. He said that Kamala Harris was the only candidate in this race with the vision, the experience, the temperament, and the will.

“Now, how does Donald Trump use his voice? Mostly to talk about himself, his vengeance, vendettas, complaints, and conspiracies. The next time you hear him, don’t count the lies, count the I’s. He’s like the tenor warming up before the opera: me, me, me, me. Kamala Harris is focused on you,” said Clinton.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries alleged that Trump was the mastermind of the Republican tax scam, where 83 per cent of the benefits went to the wealthiest 1 per cent in America.

“Trump failed our country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump is a chaos agent who is focused on himself, not the American people. Trump tried to destroy our democracy by lying about the election and inciting a violent mob to attack the Capitol,” said Hakeem.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that January 6, 2021, was a perilous moment for the American democracy. The attack came about two months after Joe Biden defeated Trump in the US presidential elections of 2020.

“Never before had a president of the United States so brazenly assaulted the bedrock of our democracy, so gleefully embraced political violence, so wilfully betrayed his oath of office,” she said.

“Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January 6. He (Trump) did. But let us not forget who saved democracy that day. We (Democrats) did,” Pelosi said.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker said that Trump betrayed the ideals of America. “He viciously attacks Democrats and Republicans. His put-downs know no shame: John McCain’s military service, Nikki Haley’s heritage. Women. People with disabilities. Trans people. Our veterans,” he said.

“His is the politics of smear and fear, not inspiration and elevation. He speaks more of American carnage than American compassion. But in America, you can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. Our nominees Kamala Harris and Tim Walz bring joy…They’re the living dreams of their ancestors,” Booker said.

Senator Chris Coons said that hate and division were the oxygen of Trump. “Trump and [Republican running mate] JD Vance need it to survive in politics. People are saying they are weird. And they are weird. And even worse, they are weak,” he alleged.

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