is It Really About Our Health
Pike Road, AL, July 23, 2024 — Alan Fortin, who has been diagnosed with three different types of cancers throughout his lifetime, has completed his new book, “Finding Hope with Cancer: Food: Is It Really about Our Health?”: a thought-provoking read that delves into the intricate relationship between diet, health, and cancer prevention, navigating the challenging terrain of food safety, nutritional choices, and their impact on human health.
In “Finding Hope with Cancer,” Fortin confronts the daunting reality of a cancer diagnosis and the questions it raises about diet and lifestyle choices. With a candid approach, the author explores whether the foods people consume everyday are protective against cancer or if they contribute to the disease, pointing to concerns over toxic chemicals, hormones, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the nation’s food supply.
“Looking back at my childhood, I believed all foods were good for you, or at least wouldn’t hurt you,” writes Fortin. “I thought, why would they sell unhealthy food, and why would we buy them? Especially if they could make us sick or worse. As I became older, I realized it’s not entirely about the consumers’ health but profits in the food industry and investors on Wall Street too.
The author continues, “I came to this realization after reading about hormones, as well as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides entering the food system. I became sad, disturbed, and disappointed with the FDA, EPA, and to some degree, the financial market on Wall Street since I believe allowing chemicals and modifying food was driven by financial gain and not our health.
“I do not want to scare anyone from eating, but I feel it’s best to be informed so we, the families, can be comfortable and confident with the foods we buy and eat. Like the saying goes, we are what we eat, and our health reflects that.”