Krishnamurti Foundation India Releases ‘Teaching

Mumbai, 26.07.2024 — The Krishnamurti Foundation India announces the release of its latest book, Teaching – The Greatest Profession. It contains six discussions that J. Krishnamurti held in 1984 with the teachers of the two schools he founded—Rishi Valley School and Rajghat Besant School. Providing a perspective that goes beyond conventional knowledge transfer and technical skill development, Krishnamurti emphasizes the importance and urgency of bringing about a deep psychological change in human beings through a different kind of education.

J. Krishnamurti

While technological knowledge is extremely valuable in this age, Krishnamurti cautions against placing too much emphasis on technique. Although these abilities are necessary to make a living, in his opinion, they shouldn’t take precedence over the need for a comprehensive understanding. Krishnamurti says, “Life is pain, joy, beauty, ugliness, love, and when we understand it as a whole, at every level, that understanding creates its technique.”

Krishnamurti critiques the current focus on knowledge accumulation and technical proficiency, arguing that true education is about understanding one’s psychological processes. He states, “Understanding comes only through self-knowledge, which is awareness of one’s total psychological process.” The ‘psychological process’ are what we go through in our everyday life—hurt, fear, violence, hurt, pleasure, boredom, suffering, and the network of escapes from these that we have built.

Krishnamurti envisions education as a means to develop integrated human beings who can navigate life’s complexities with intelligence, sensitivity, and love. His vision for education aims to awaken individuals to their true selves and cultivate a new generation with totally different minds and hearts. His teachings urge educators and parents to rethink their roles. Education should enable children to transform themselves rather than merely preparing them to fit into society. He challenges us with the question, “Are we prepared, as parents and teachers, to bring about a new generation of people with totally different minds and hearts?”

“At a time when the education system faces significant challenges, Krishnamurti, World Teacher and one of the greatest religious teachers of all time, provides rare clarity, through this book, on a new approach to education. His teachings emphasize that education is much more than just imparting subject knowledge. It is about helping children understand themselves and, in the process, bring about a total transformation of consciousness. This book is available on our website, as well as on all the major e-tailers.” said Vishwanath Alluri, Secretary, Krishnamurti Foundation India.