Author Evgeny Katz’s New Book, Evolution of Electricity
Potsdam, NY, March 20, 2025 — Evgeny Katz, who received a PhD in chemistry from Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1983, has completed his new book, “Evolution of Electricity: Key Figures and Their Contributions”: an insightful series that explores of the ways in which society’s understanding of electricity has changed over the years, while highlighting key figures that have shaped the way mankind uses electricity since its first discovery.
Professor Evgeny Katz was a senior researcher at the Institute of Photosynthesis from 1983 to 1991. From 1992 to 1993, he performed research at München Technische Universität as a Humboldt fellow. Later, from 1993 to 2006, Dr. Katz was a research associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 2006, he is Milton Kerker chaired professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, Clarkson University, USA. He has (co)authored over 530 papers, Hirsch index 94. His scientific interests are in the broad areas of bioelectronics, biosensors, biofuel cells, and biocomputing.
“While modern science and technology are studied at different levels in schools, colleges, and universities, the history of them, particularly personalized with scientists who contributed to their development, is frequently not known enough,” writes Dr. Katz. “The present book is aimed at filling a gap between the modern knowledge and history of its progress over time. The book structure is different from many other related textbooks and the internet websites—it is giving more personalized overview of the knowledge progress rather than scientific description of the achieved progress. The present book does not pretend to associate any scientific discovery or technological invention with any single person, but it gives a broader vision on the progress done by different scientists and engineers.”