In this digital world, organizations are revolutionizing their approach to cloud infrastructure security through emerging technologies. Security experts observe groundbreaking...
In today's global digital landscape, Veeranjaneyulu Veeri's exploration of micro-frontend architecture in modern web development is reshaping how enterprises build scalable...
In the dynamic field of enterprise architecture, Saumya has emerged as a leading innovator, blending technical expertise and strategic vision...
In today's digital-first business landscape, Praveen Sivathapandi stands out as a leader in solutions architecture, bringing over 18 years of...
In today's digital landscape, Cloud-native architecture has become the bedrock of modern enterprise applications, offering unparalleled scalability and resilience in a...
A prominent figure in cloud technology, Purnimanand Peram provides valuable insights into the core of cloud architecture. Focusing on Infrastructure as a...
MUMBAI: Mahindra is proud to introduce the INGLO Electric Origin Architecture, the innovative foundation that powers the upcoming BE 6e and...
An expert in cloud technologies, Arvind Kumar Akula explores innovations like microservices architecture and serverless computing, which are transforming business operations...
1500V DC architecture has been the norm for the last few years since it was upgraded from 1000V DC architecture....
Innovations in software development have taken a giant leap with the adoption of microservices architecture, enabling businesses to develop, deploy,...