Synopsis: The India Art Fair 2023’s Outdoor Art Installation featured a large-scale Computational Art Installation titled “Computational Convergence” supported by...
ninth Feb 2023, New Delhi: SBI Foundation, in collaboration with AROH Foundation and Doctors For You (DFY) organized a specialised...
February 03, 2023, Hyderabad: International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) in collaboration with the Pravaha Foundation carried out a...
17th January 2023- RN Mohanty, CEO, of Sightsavers India has been awarded the Giving Economy Award for his incredible contribution...
17 January 2023, Hyderabad: Fernandez Foundation and the University of Hyderabad (UoH) signed a three-year MoU on 13th January for...
Mumbai, December 14, 2022: Sheila Gopal Raheja Foundation, a do good vision of K Raheja Realty, possesses a rich heritage...
Pic Caption: Nidhi Bhasin, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation along with Rakesh Ranjan, Mission Director, NITI Aayog launched NASSCOM Foundation’s Aspirational Districts...
Bangalore, December 2022: Hinduja Foundation, the philanthropic arm of over 100-year old Hinduja Group, has partnered with Aspire Institute to...
Metropolis Foundation, the CSR arm of Metropolis Healthcare, announced that it has commenced the on-ground execution of adopting...