Top 5 5G Myths Debunked

Attention! This is a post where we have debunked the top 5 5G myths.

The 5th generation of high-speed mobile data, also known as 5G, is now live in multiple locations of the UK, Australia, and the US. However, since the first day of rolling out this high-speed cell phone network, many misconceptions and confusion around the technology also took birth. One of the most alarming theories came up just in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic when few conspiracy theorists tried to like 5G with the spread of Coronavirus. As expected, this resulted in a massive uproar and people started to burning cell phone towers, and even people started to threaten broadband engineers.

So, social media giants like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter scrambled into action to stop the misinformation and myths about 5G network.

If you look beyond the myths of 5g, you will see it has a massive impact on people’s lives across the planet due to its high speed. 5G will not only provide high-speed data, but a range of industries including autonomous vehicles, drones, IoT, and the health care industry will be benefitted due to its speed. According to experts, there will be as many as 1 billion 5G users by 2023.

so, in this article, we have the top 5 5G myths debunked for you.

Do I Need a New Phone?

The first amongst the top 5 5G myths debunked for you is, your existing phone will continue to work on the 4G network. It’s true that you’ll need a 5G phone to access a 5G network, but it doesn’t mean that you need a swanky new phone to reap all the speed benefits. With the rolling out of the new generation network, one may experience much faster speed with 4G. Additionally, the new generation network system isn’t replacing 4G networks completely. So, even if there’s 5G available in your area, your phone won’t be obsolete anytime soon and it will work completely fine on existing 4G networks.


Will 5G Replace Broadband?

The 2nd amongst the top 5 debunked 5G myths is, home broadband will continue to work. There won’t be many changes in-home broadband services. Broadband demise due to 5G is too exaggerated, even if the survey suggests going completely wireless. 5G operates in a higher millimeter wave, which means it struggles in long distances and penetrating walls. So, don’t believe in those 5G conspiracy theories, which say home broadband would be obsolete after the launch of 5G.

5G and Digital Divide

While debunking the 5G myths, we came across a very important point. Even though 5G is being rolled out in a few of the countries, then switch over from 4G to 5G will be staggered and might take years. So, there’ll be few pockets where the new generation of the internet will work, but 4G will be in larger areas and it’ll take some time to completely replace 4G.

Also, few of the rural areas of the country still lack any kind of internet, so expecting high-speed mobile data in those areas would be too much to expect. There’s a high chance that 5th generation cell phone network era can eventually widen the digital divide even more.

Can 5G Cause Cancer?

Attention!!! One of the biggest 5G health risks debunked. The biggest fear regarding 5G is, it is unsafe due to its radio frequency, and it will expose people to radiation, which can eventually lead to cancer. However, a direct link between cell phone tower radiation and cancer is quite complicated and is often overstated.

According to research, there’s a steep increase in microwave absorption takes place at higher frequencies. Although the research wasn’t wrong, the conspiracy theorists conveniently neglected the fact, that the research was conducted on exposed tissues, not on cells that are deep inside the human body.

Also, the skin of our body can block higher radio frequencies, which wasn’t taken into account. Additionally, most of the nation often enforces strict regulations when it comes to radiation absorption. So, there’s very little to worry about.

Till now we have debunked 4 myths of 5G now read more to know the last one amongst all the debunked 5G myths.

Will 5G Impact Daily Life Massively?

Until 5G becomes mainstream, it would continue to drive various fundamental changes across various industries ranging from manufacturing to drones in the agriculture sector. Also, as demanded performing an entire surgery over the 5th generation mobile network isn’t going to be mainstream just now, and there’s a little doubt that it will completely revolutionize health care now.

Additionally, if you think that the latest generation of cell phone networks will help you to stream the best quality video content, then you might be wrong. Mostly because it depends on the video streaming service provider and its plan. If you have a basic SD plan from Netflix then there’s no way that you can watch your TV shows in high definition. You need to have premium plans for a premium viewing experience.

So, there’s little evidence that 5G will completely change our life and it’ll be massively usable over the existing 4G networks. The new generation network is still in its early days and will still take a few years of time to become mainstream.