Abhijeet Singh Bais employing the use of A.I. to reduce supply chain risks

Abhijeet Singh Bais

Technology is always flipping the script, and A.I. or Artificial Intelligence is no different. There has been a massive surge of digital technology reaching down to the grassroots in present times and A.I is a game-changer that is revolutionising everything.

Data has been king for a while now, ever since the expansion – or sophistication – of the internet. Data was found in marketing strategies, awareness campaigns, healthcare, etcetera. With the help of A.I., we will be able to unlock new levels of potential never before thought possible. And in a world dominated by data, Abhijeet Singh Bais stands out with his expertise that spans across various industries.

One notable accomplishment is Abhijeet’s contribution to Dubai’s Palm Beach Hotel. Despite lacking experience in the construction industry, he was able to come up with tools and solutions that enhance efficiency, from developing an innovative method of crushing stone to the development of a remote automotive invoice system, he was able to contribute to the architectural marvel.

His five-year goal is to kick cancer to the curb, and that might sound like a big dream, but to Abhijeet, “The data is right there. We can take the information given and prevent cancer with preemptive measures. I’m not looking to cure cancer, because what if we’re going about this the wrong way? Instead of tackling the problem, we should be tackling the root of the problem. What I am to do is to predict cancer before it happens.”

As the age-old adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Over the next few years, he will be tackling this dream of his with big-name collaborations and create a more effective healthcare system.

However, today, he’s all about reducing risks in the supply chain. It is clear that Abhijeet really lives by the notion of prevention.

“What constitutes supply chain risk? Pandemic, political instability, natural disasters, currency fluctuations, the list is endless. If it affects the operations or the demand, it’s a risk, and all risks can be mitigated if you know how to prepare for it,” the tech-savvy entrepreneur explains, “and A.I. is key.”Abhijeet Singh Bais

Unlocking the potential of data with A.I. has been something that Abhijeet has been working towards, “Identifying the risks and predicting them is key to enacting change. We will be able to work towards more coherent and efficient solutions if we knew what was coming. This is the power of A.I. and I am determined to harness it.”

Proactive risk mitigation may not be an original innovation, but there aren’t many solutions readily available that take advantage of the power of A.I with such efficiency. Through his originality and ability to think outside the box, we may continue to expect great things from Abhijeet Singh Bais.

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